Jaden Cherry

Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible” – Audrey Hepburn.

“I love it and every time I get to volunteer, I get really excited and have the best time, so I would definitely recommend it to anyone.” 

Jaden has spent the past two summers paddling alongside clients at BCMOS as a kayak and paddleboard volunteer. Whether it’s helping them get in and out of the kayaks or assisting coordinators (“washing the kayaks off and cleaning up”), Jaden ensures a smooth operation behind the scenes. But her true passion lies in making sure clients have a blast on the water. 

“I take them out wherever they want to go to ensure they are having a good time,” she says. Jaden began volunteering last year, drawn to BCMOS while seeking experience working with individuals with disabilities during her summer break from kinesiology and psychology studies at the University of Windsor. Her goal of pursuing physiotherapy was solidified through her BCMOS experience. “It helped me realize that I definitely do want to pursue physio and working with individuals with different types of disabilities,” Jaden affirms. 

Jaden kayaking with a client
Jaden kayaking with a client

Volunteering at BCMOS has broadened Jaden’s perspective on accessibility and the diverse needs of individuals. “Things I had thought were accessible prior actually are not,” she acknowledges. Now she looks for more opportunities to make her surroundings more inclusive and advocate for change in everyday life. Jaden is also inspired by the clients themselves. “Seeing them go outside of their comfort zone to get on the kayaks” motivates her to do the same more often. 
When asked about a favourite memory volunteering at BCMOS, Jaden struggles to pick one. “Every time I get to go out with a client, it’s really memorable,” she says. “A few times I’ve gone out with clients who just had a big smile on their face the whole time we were out kayaking, and I think that’s just really awesome to see. Many clients get super excited going under the Cambie Street Bridge and that is always memorable.” Jaden prioritizes client preferences, asking them where they’d like to go paddle to create the best experience. 

Jaden hiking

Jaden’s advice is clear for anyone considering volunteering with BCMOS: “Don’t hesitate at all and definitely do it. It’s an incredible opportunity. I love it and every time I get to volunteer, I get really excited and have the best time, so I would definitely recommend it to anyone.” She also notes that the staff are “extremely nice, helpful, and supportive,” recalling how she went out for the first kayak trip of the year, and the staff celebrated the season’s start upon her return to the dock

Jaden, thank you for dedicating your time to BCMOS. It is genuinely appreciated! Your passion ensures BCMOS participants have unforgettable experiences every time they get out on the water.