“If you surround yourself with love and the right people, anything is possible.” – Adam Green
This month, we offer our sincere thanks to Angela Corredor for her dedication to the Disability Foundation and its many adaptive recreation opportunities in Vancouver, BC. Over the past year and a half, Angela has volunteered with many of the Disability Foundation’s affiliated societies, including the British Columbia Mobility Opportunities Society (BCMOS), Adaptive Sailing Association of British Columbia (ASABC), and Disabled Independent Gardeners Association (DIGA). It is a testament to Angela’s giving spirit that she chooses to contribute time and energy to her community by volunteering with these many societies. She is truly an amazing volunteer!
A fun fact, Angela started volunteering at the Disability Foundation within weeks of moving to Canada a year and a half go. Even before that move, Angela recalls that she has “always tried to be involved in [her] community,” whether by volunteering with children living in poverty or with the elderly. After moving to Canada, she still “feels this call” to give back. She immediately began looking for volunteer opportunities that aligned with this drive, landing at the Disability Foundation. She was attracted to this cause because of how our affiliated societies supported participants by adapting activities that are often inaccessible to many people with disabilities. Angela understood and wanted to be part of the positive impact that these programs create.
Volunteering at BCMOS, ASABC, and DIGA brings Angela a lot of happiness, as she is surrounded by a devoted community of wonderful, hardworking people. Angela recalls that every team member that she has worked with feels a collective responsibility for the quality of the adapted programs. She is inspired by “how all the members of the Disability Foundation work with so much passion, […] enjoying what they do,” and “going the extra mile.” This was clear to Angela from the moment she joined the foundation and it continues to motivate her today. She says that she continues to be inspired by the teams who “put a lot of effort” in their work to make these programs successful for every client interested in participating in adapted recreation.

When asked about all the work that Angela has done for these societies, she says that she certainly “wears different hats.” This was especially evident at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, in her work for the BCMOS’ virtual adapted personal training program. In this program, Angela was part of a team that delivered a series of personalized adapted fitness programs for people with disabilities. Together, they created solutions by engaging clients entirely virtually, using only the tools available to them from their own homes. Angela contributed to the successful delivery of this new program by wearing an administrative hat! She “helped clients if they had any issues [with connecting virtually] and got in touch if they had any questions.” However, in addition to providing technical support, Angela also supported clients by staying in touch and jumping on calls to chat with them. To give the clients more individual “support, feedback, and help to achieve their goals and stay engaged in the program,” she created a new “kudos” system. There, she would check in with each client to celebrate their achievements and recognize their hard work.
Angela recalls that many of the clients participating in the adapted personal training program were very successful. Although “sometimes [the clients] were challenged [by] the new technology,” many participated with the support of dedicated volunteers like Angela. This was during a time of great uncertainty and isolation caused by the pandemic. Often when she jumped on a call to answer a client’s question about technology or a particular exercise, Angela ended up having a genuine conversation with the client about their day and providing companionship. Angela remembers that many clients said it was “good to talk to someone” and “see a new face” during these chats. So, the adapted training program became an opportunity to participate in not just a physical, but also a social activity. She says that it “felt really good” to do this, as it was “not just what [she] was supposed to do” but that she “[felt] a sense [that the clients] enjoyed that human connection” during an uncertain time. When asked what Angela’s favourite memory as an adapted personal training volunteer, she says that it was knowing that her contributions helped someone “stay motivated” and “have a great impact,” since “without this option, [many might] not be exercising”.
When talking with Angela about all the ways that she has contributed to the Disability Foundation, either in her work as an adapted personal training volunteer with BCMOS, creating exciting and engaging giveaways for DIGA social media accounts, or working on land so clients can go sailing and “experience freedom, air [on their] face” with ASABC, Angela says she “feels thankful” for the opportunity to volunteer. She says that she faced “many challenges when new to Canada.” Volunteering “has impacted [her] life in meaningful ways,” because everyone she has met has been “so welcoming to [her].” She is motived to stay with the Disability Foundation because “it’s important that we surround ourselves with [the] people shaping us” because it’s those people who “really do change lives.”
We feel just as thankful for Angela and her amazing contributions, commitment, and giving attitude. It’s incredible to have amazing volunteers like her! Thank you, Angela, for your dedication to the Disability Foundation over this past year and a half. We are so lucky to have you on our team! We admire your commitment and journey, and we sincerely thank you for all your contributions now and, hopefully, in the future with us too.
Curious about trying something new? Interested in contributing to a team of hardworking and dedicated members like Angela? In her words you’ll be “surrounded by great and nice people” in a friendly and committed community of volunteers with the Disability Foundation’s many programs!
Learn more and sign up by emailing volunteer@disabilityfoundation.org.